- Statistics
- Cosmetic Shipments
- Shipment value of Medicated and General Cosmetics
- Cosmetics Sales of Department Stores
- Import & Export of Cosmetics
- Cosmetics Consumption
- Marketing License Holders and Manufacturing License Holders (by prefecture)
The following pages show figures related with Cosmetic Shipment, Medicated cosmetic Shipment, Cosmetic Export and Import as well as Consumption of Cosmetics taken from data published by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and Ministry of Finance and soon. Please also refer to the original data in the related government offices’ web pages.
(in Japanese only)
- Survey of Production, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Statistics of Production of Pharmaceutical Industry, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- Survey of Household Economy, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
- Trade Statistics of Japan, Ministry of Finance
- Japan Department Stores Association sales overview of Japan department stores.