Sustainability Guidelines
The value of cosmetics, in addition to providing health and beauty, is to providing emotional fulfillment, and its contribution to the well-being of people and society. The Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA) has been making various efforts to realize a sustainable society in which consumers around the world can enjoy a rich cosmetic lifestyle with peace of mind.
In 2015, JCIA strengthened our efforts by establishing JCIA Sustainability Guidelines that focus on four key issues: consumer issues, the environment, human rights and labor practices, and community involvement.
JCIA conducted a materiality assessment in 2022, to identify the issues that the contribution of cosmetic industry is especially expected, and to promote initiatives focused on those issues. Based on the results of the materiality assessment, we revised our Sustainability Guidelines in 2023. The second edition of the Sustainability Guidelines clearly defines the direction of the company, covering a wide range of environmental and social issues, with a focus on contributing to the well-being of people and society.
Table of Contents of JCIA Sustainability Guidelines (Second Edition)
Japan Cosmetic Industry Association Sustainability Guideline
The value of cosmetics, in addition to providing health and beauty, is to providing emotional fulfillment, and its contribution to the well-being of people and society. The Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA) has been addressing sustainability issues to realize a sustainable society in which consumers around the world can enjoy a fulfilled life with cosmetics. In 2015, JCIA published the sustainability guidelines that focused on four priority issues: consumer issues, the environment, human rights and labor practices, and community engagement.
In recent years, the world has been confronting many social issues such as environmental degradation including climate change, infectious diseases, and conflict. In addition, the importance of respect for diversity and human rights has increased and we are being called upon to do more to realize a better, sustainable society. As a member of society, JCIA is strongly aware that we must further strengthen our effort to resolve such issues. To that end, we conducted a materiality assessment in 2022, to identify the issues that the contribution of cosmetic industry is especially expected, and to promote initiatives focused on those issues.
In this revision, with the results of the materiality assessment in mind, we have clearly define our direction that encompasses a wide range of environmental and social issues to contribute to the well-being of people and society.
JCIA and its member companies reaffirm that our effort to realize a sustainable society is indispensable to further heighten the credibility of the cosmetic industry, enable long-term industry development, and contribute to the well-being of people and society. We proactively take actions in accordance with the direction of sustainability guidelines.
1. The environment
1.1 Develop Environmentally Sound Products and Services
We develop better products and services for the environment by preventing global warming, conserving biodiversity, using sustainable resources, designing sustainable containers and formulae, and reducing waste throughout the product lifecycle in order to minimize our footprint on the environment, organisms and natural resources.
1.2 Reduce Environmental Footprint from Business Activities and Act to Conserve the Environment
We not just comply with legislation and regulation, but autonomously act to reduce the environmental footprint and conserve the environment with consideration of environmental impact throughout product lifecycle.
1.2.1 Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Use Sustainable Energy
We reduce greenhouse gases from our business activities through measures such as energy saving and renewable energy use.
1.2.2 Reduce Waste
We reduce waste from business activities by optimizing procurement, production, and sales, reducing raw materials use, and recycling and reusing.
1.2.3 Procure Sustainable Raw Materials
We work to minimize the environmental footprint and establish procurement system which leads to material circularity for the purpose of ecosystems conservation. We also avoid being associated with violations of human rights, including child or forced labor.
1.2.4 Conserve Biodiversity
We avoid direct and indirect negative influence on ecosystems through our business activities. We also contribute to conserving and restoring ecosystems.
1.2.5 Conserve Water Resources
We conserve good quality water resources by improving efficiencies in the use of water at production phase and product use phase, and through the forest management of water sources.
1.3 Conserve the Environment in Business Area
We do not take a part in deforestation, water pollution, soil pollution, soil depletion, and air pollution in the local environment. We do our part for our local environment conservation through the appropriate use, management, and recovery of raw materials and products.
2. Human Rights
2.1 Respect for Human Rights
We do not engage in any form of discrimination or abuse based on race, color of skin, gender, age, language, property, nationality or country of origin, ethnic or social origin, political or other views, disability, state of health, or sexual orientation. We comply with the legislations, regulations and international rules relating to human rights and labor. Furthermore, we avoid any circumstances that would directly or indirectly cause, be associated with, or advance human rights problems or labor problems, within the extent of influence by our business.
2.2 Contribute to Achieving an Equitable and Inclusive World
We contribute to achieving an equitable and inclusive world in which diversity, personality, and individuality are respected regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, race, background, or religion, and where diverse talent can play an active role. In addition to efforts at each company, we collaborate with suppliers and be attentive to diversity in advertising.
3. Consumer Issues and Innovation
3.1 Ensure Product Safety and Quality and Encourage Communication
We secure high levels of safety and quality by appropriate risk management of ingredient and product, based on the most up-to-date science. We also communicate appropriate and necessary information to support the safe use of ingredients and products.
3.2 Improve Quality of Life through Products and Services
We contribute to improving the quality of life of each and every customer by helping to maintain skin and hair health, giving peace of mind through self-care and comfortable experience, enhancing mental and physical beauty, and promoting social exchange through our products and services.
3.3 Develop Value-Creating Technology
We continuously pursue the creation of new value and provide innovative products and services towards achieving a sustainable society that includes improved quality of life and conservation of the global environment.
3.4 Fair Marketing and Appropriate Provision of Information
We communicate fair and easy-to-understand information founded in truth and fact in order for our customers to choose the most suitable products.
3.5 Responsibly Answer to Customer Inquiries and Utilize Customer Feedback to Make Improvements
We respond to customer inquiries and feedback with integrity by understanding each customer’s situation and facts. We will also utilize customer feedback to develop, refine, and improve our products and services.
4. Fair Business Operation Practices
4.1 Ensure Data Security
We strictly control personal information, customer information, research data and financial information to prevent inappropriate use, leakage, or loss. We also continuously introduce further security measures to defend against growing cyber threats.
4.2 Enhancement of Information Disclosure
We enhance non-financial information disclosure in the quality and quantity in addition to financial information disclosure. We also be proactive in providing information to achieve a sustainable society.
4.3 Improve Knowledge about Sustainability in the Cosmetic Industry
We learn the latest information and acquire knowledge needed to solve sustainability issues, including the goal and targets in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to which the cosmetic industry is expected to contribute.
4.4 Respond to Changes of Ingredient Regulations
We respond promptly to national or other nations’ regulatory changes of cosmetic ingredients and chemical substances that are updated as a result of new findings in order to continuously trade with suppliers, develop products, and provide products.
5. Labor Practices
5.1 Create a Workplace that Respects Diversity
We create an improved workplace where diverse values are recognized regardless of differences such as gender, disability, or nationality. We promote the work environment in which each employee can work with a sense of satisfaction and in good mental and physical health and safety. We also respect basic human rights, and develop an environment that does not give rise to discrimination or unreasonable disparity in employment.
5.2 Encourage Dialogue
We create workplaces that are beneficial for both organizations and employees by establishing a system to promote a dialogue about the labor environment and its conditions.
5.3 Talent Development and Training at the Workplace
We contribute to achieving a society that enables everyone to design their own careers and for companies to be competitive through talent development systems which enable everyone to demonstrate their full ability.
6. Engage the Community
6.1 Dialogue with and Contributions to the Community
We deepen mutual understanding through dialogue with the local community, as we keenly recognize that we are a member of communities in which we operate business. We do our part for the creation of jobs and increase in income, and also to community development and nurturing the next generation through educational activities and the preparation and support for disasters.
6.2 Contribution to Culture, Art, and Design Development and Heritage Protection
We contribute to the enrichment individual lives through contribution to development of art, design, and culture including make-up culture, and preservation of heritage.